Sustainability Starts With YOUth Contest 

“Teach the Children so it will not be necessary to teach the Adults”Abraham Lincoln

“Teach the Children so it will not be necessary to teach the Adults”

Abraham Lincoln


To expand the understanding of ‘being green’, I am going to donate 500 of my “Kicking Gas & Taking Charge!” books to high school and college student classes (or groups) who will use it to facilitate discussion and activities surrounding sustainability topics.

Note: Contest Has ended

Contest Starts: February 12, 2019 (Lincoln’s Birthday)

Contest End: April 22, 2019 (Earth day!)

Contest Rules

1 submission per school by a Teacher or Facilitator

       Teacher/Facilitator should read a copy of the book prior to Winners being announced to ensure book is appropriate.

        Class Size is limited to between 10 and 50 students to maximize # of winners (additional available@ very discounted price)

Contest Winners

Winning entries will be selected by the author based upon:

1) intended use; i.e. what teacher/facilitator hopes to accomplish with the book, and

2) random drawing of all other entries that are deemed a ‘tie’ in worthiness

The total number of winners will be determined by class sizes until 500 books are given away. All decisions will be at the sole

discretion of the author and are final.

All Winners will be announced on June 5….World Environment Day !

how to enter

Entering is easy. Teacher or Facilitator should send an e-mail to with the following information:

  • Teacher/Instructor Name & Phone #

  • School Name, Address & Location

  • Class or Group Name

  • Number of Attendees or Class Size (Note: can exceed 50 but only 50 maximum will be awarded to 1 class or group)

  • What do you hope to accomplish with “Kicking Gas & Taking Charge!”? (Note: Using 100 words or less)

That’s it! Good Luck to ALL! …….and remember:

“Sustainability Starts With YOU!”