Black-Balled on Black Friday?

An important published report (the National Climate Assessment) was released last Friday and today denounced by White House Press Secretary Sanders when questioned as being ‘not based on facts’ and ‘not data driven’.


Without providing ANY facts of their own to counter the research findings, the White House wants us to believe that THE major product of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, a government interagency which coordinates a team of expert scientists and receives input from 13 different Federal Agencies, is then summarized in the mandatory National Climate Assessment Report, and then “extensively reviewed by the public, the National Academy of Sciences and policymakers who make decisions on actions needed to address global warming concerns, is not based on data or facts?

To believe that scientists don’t use facts or data to develop their conclusions is like walking blindfolded across 40 acres of dairy land and believing you won’t step in bull crap. And that seems like what we have here.

Aside from the lack of data put forth for an opposing point of view to the Assessment findings, it also appears highly convenient to release the report on the busiest shopping day of the year. Why? To try to bury bad news…that’s why. It runs counter to the Administration’s environmental policies….so bury bad news when people are distracted. Well, it didn’t happen that way. People DO CARE about the environment and all the major news agencies carried the report findings.

What we the major report findings? Here’s a recap….and it’s not good at all:

  • Communities — Climate change creates new risks and exacerbates existing vulnerabilities in communities across the United States, presenting growing challenges to human health and safety, quality of life, and the rate of economic growth.

  • Economy — Without substantial global mitigation & adaptation efforts climate change is expected to cause growing losses to American infrastructure and property and impede the rate of economic growth over this century.

  • Interconnected Impacts — Climate change affects the social systems we rely on individually and our connections to one another; these systems are increasingly vulnerable to cascading impacts which threaten essential services

  • Actions To Reduce Risks — Communities, governments, and businesses are working to reduce risks from and costs associated with climate change through actions designed to lower greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation strategies. While mitigation efforts have expanded substantially in the last four years, they do not yet approach the scale considered necessary to avoid substantial damages to the economy, environment, and human health over the coming decades.

  • Water — The quality and quantity of water available for use by people and ecosystems across the country face risks and costs to agriculture, energy production, industry, recreation, and the environment.

  • Health — Extreme weather and climate-related events, air quality, and the transmission of disease through insects and pests, food, and water increasingly threaten the health and well-being of the American people, particularly populations that are already vulnerable.

  • Indigenous Peoples — Climate change increasingly threatens Indigenous communities’ livelihoods, economies, health, and cultural identities by disrupting interconnected social, physical, and ecological systems.

  • Ecosystems — Ecosystems and the benefits they provide to society are being altered by climate change. Without substantial reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions, transformative impacts will occur; some coral reef and sea ice ecosystems are already experiencing such changes.

  • Agriculture — Rising temperatures, extreme heat, drought, wildfire on rangelands, and heavy downpours are expected to increasingly disrupt agricultural productivity in the United States. Expected increases in challenges to livestock health, declines in crop yields and quality, threatening rural livelihoods, sustainable food security, and price stability.

  • Infrastructure — Our Nation’s aging and deteriorating infrastructure is further stressed by increases in heavy precipitation events, coastal flooding, heat, wildfires, and other extreme events; the infrastructure will continue to degrade in performance over the rest of the century, with the potential for cascading impacts that threaten our economy, national security, essential services, and health and well-being.

  • Oceans & Coasts — Coastal communities and the ecosystems that support them are increasingly threatened. without significant reductions in greenhouse gases, many coastal regions will be transformed by the end of the century, Many communities are expected to suffer financial impacts as chronic high-tide flooding leads to higher costs and lower property values.

  • Tourism & Recreation — Outdoor recreation, tourist economies, and quality of life are reliant on benefits provided by our natural environment that will be degraded by the impacts of climate change in many ways.

Climate Change Is and Will Cost Americans Billions

The summary to the NCA states the “earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities.” Much of the latest NCA report concerns itself with the harm a warming planet will do to the US economy. It says it could reduce US economic output by as much as 10%, which would amount to around $500 billion a year in losses. The report echoes the findings of the IPCC 6 climate assessment released in October, which warns a “business as usual” approach to carbon emission could see the average global temperatures rocket upward by as much as 9 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century. If this were to happen, some scientist have gone on record to say that the impact would be indescribable, turning the world upside down in terms of its climate—and that there would be nothing like it in the history of civilization.’

So the U.S. in the course of 2 short years…has gone from scientific study and global agreement to ‘I know better’…and “Let’s bury bad news of Black Friday and hope nobody notices’.. What’s next? Eliminating subsidies for electric car sales? Oh, wait! Trump just threatened to do that against GM…… <sigh>